- Vaporizers
- Nuvata
Blueberry - Body Dominant (I)
Whether you’re looking for an aid to wellness and mindfulness or simply to add a little extra flavor to life, Nuvata’s premium vaporizers go beyond expectation, delivering outcomes perfectly suited for your particular needs.
They’re able to offer such a finely-tuned suite of sensations thanks to a combination of passionate curiosity and scientific rigor. For Nuvata, it’s not enough to just talk indica, sativa, and hybrid. They get right down to the molecular structure—because that’s where the magic happens.
Body Dominant - Blueberry Flavor - Find Peace & Comfort
Those seeking peace for the mind and relaxation for the body will find this alleviating oil soothing and uplifting. It evokes a settled air of contentment and is ideal for feeling comfortable and at ease. A refreshing blueberry flavor floods the senses with a cool, calming aroma.The terpene limonene sets a meditative tone by inspiring a sense of creativity, while myrcene provides a strong, calming effect. Caryophyllene and linalool keep the spirit uplifted and relaxed, and humulene injects a subtle hint of kinetic energy to keep you feeling engaged with your tranquility.
Learn more at nuvata.co
- Lab Results:
- Free of Pesticides, Mold, and Heavy Metals
- Style:
- 1 Gram All-in-One Vaporizer (Battery and Oil Included - Comes Ready to Use)
- Prominent Terpenes:
- Limonene, myrcene, caryohpyllene, linalool, humulene